Vankaya Mudisenagala kura

Vankaya Mudisenagala Kura is an authentic recipe of Andhra Pradesh particularly Godavari districts. Only few prepare this traditional curry so I want to popularize this healthy curry. It’s prepared with brinjals and brown chickpeas. Brown chickpeas are soaked overnight and cooked next day morning. Brinjals are sautéed in oil and seasoned with ginger green chilli paste along with salt. Tempering is added at the last. This is no onion no garlic Here I present healthy and delicious Vankaya Mudisenagala curry to relish anytime. Njoy Cooking, Serving n Savoring!

Author: Akshayakumbham 

Course: Accompaniment/curries 

Cuisine: Andhra, India 

Servings: 4


Brinjals: 250 gms

Brown chickpeas: Two fistful 

Ginger: 1 tsp chopped

Green chillies: 2/3 nos.

Salt: As required 

Turmeric: A pinch 

Oil: 1 tbsp

Tempering :

Oil: 1 tsp

Mustard seeds: 1 tsp

Cumin seeds: 1 tsp 

Black gram: 1 tsp

Bengal gram: 1 tsp 

Asafoetida: A pinch 

Curry leaves: A sprig

Method of preparation

🍆. Soak brown chickpeas overnight or 8-10 hours  in enough water. After soaking  cook them till they are done completely.

🍆. Meanwhile heat kadai and pour oil to sauté brinjals.

🍆. Chop the brinjals and add them to the oil. Also add required amount of salt and turmeric.

🍆. When they are half cooked add green chillies and mix thoroughly.

🍆. Now add chopped ginger and sauté till the brinjals are cooked completely.

🍆. Now add boiled brown chickpeas and mix well.

🍆.  Sauté for two minutes and switch off the flame.

🍆. In a small pour little oil for tempering. Prepare the tempering with tempering ingredients. 

🍆. Now the vankaya mudisenagala kura is ready to serve. Transfer the curry into a serving bowl and add the tempering. Delicious with hot steamed rice and dollop of ghee/sesame oil.

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