imageSweet potato(Chilagada dumpa)jamoons
Sweet potato gulab jamoons are delectable and just melts in mouth.
A classic dessert always to relish and loved by all ages. The preparation is very easy like normal gulab jamoons. Instead of milk solids I have used sweet potatoes.  The taste of gulab jamoons are so unique unlike regular gulab jamoons. A very good delight for sweet potato lovers. Celebrate this Dussehra with special sweet potato gulab jamoons. Here I present mouth watering sweet potato gulab jamoons which can be served for special occasions, festive days. Njoy Cooking, Serving n Savoring!
Sweet potatoes: 4 nos. (medium size) or approximately 300 gms.
All purpose flour/maida: 1 tbsp
Baking soda: A pinch
Oil: 3 tbsp
Ghee: 3 tbsp(Oil and ghee for deep frying)
For Sugar syrup:
Sugar: 1 1/2 cups
Water: 3 cups(Approximately)
Cardamom pods: 7/8 nos.
Saffron strands: Few
Lemon: Few drops.
Method of preparation:
1. Rinse thoroughly and peel the skin of sweet potatoes. Or rinse well, cook and then peel the skin.image
2. Chop them into big chunks and immerse in water.image
3. Take a vessel and pour enough water and cook the sweet potatoes.image
4. When they are completely cooked, strain the excess water using colander. Care should be taken so that there is no extra drop of water present in the sweet potatoes.imageimage
5. Transfer the sweet potatoes into a bowl and mash thoroughly. No lumps should be present.image
6. Now take exactly 1 tbsp of maida, a pinch of baking soda and add to the mashed sweet potato.image
7. Mix well with hands. Don’t knead too much, because the jamoons will turn out to be little hard. Keep aside.imageimage
8. Now take sugar in a vessel and add water to prepare the sugar syrup.image
image9. Boil the syrup well. Add crushed cardamom pods.imageimage
image10. Boil once again till you get thin sugar syrup. Add saffron strands and few drops of lemon juice. Lemon stops the crystallization of sugar syrup and gives tantalizing taste.imageimage
11. Meanwhile prepare small balls from the prepared sweet potato dough.image
12. Take a kadai, put oil and ghee together for deep frying. Allow them till they become moderately hot for frying. If it is too hot the jamoons will get burnt outside and not properly done inside. Adjust the flame for deep frying in batches.image
image13. Now carefully drop each ball in the hot oil/ghee and fry till they attain golden brown colour. Keep rolling the jamoons frequently while frying to get uniform colour. Fry 3/4 nos. at a time.imageimage
14. After frying transfer them onto a plate with kitchen paper towel to absorb extra oil present in it and then drop them in sugar syrup. Give it a sir. image
image15. The sugar syrup is also ready and transfer to a broad vessel to avoid overcrowding of the jamoons.image
16. Likewise deep fry all the jamoons in batches and Transfer the hot jamoons into the flavoured sugar syrup.image
17. Rest them for 30 minutes and let jamoons absorb the sweetness and essence of syrup.
18. Now the delicious sweet potatoes are ready to serve warm. They can be refrigerated and serve later also.image
I’ve added cardamom pods n saffron strands. If you like, rose essence can also be added. Also I’ve not filtered the sugar syrup after adding crushed cardamom pods. I like to chew them. If you don’t want, after boiling the sugar syrup with cardamom pods, filter and then use the syrup but don’t strain after adding saffron.