Today I’ve prepared Sitaphal Shrikhand on the occasion of Bhagini Hastha Bhojanam {celebraing the brother-sister relationship}. Home cooked meal is served by sisters to their loving brothers for the well being of them.Sithaphal shrikhand is Prepared with thick curd. Honey , dry fruits, Sita Phal pulp is added. Here I present delectable dessert Sitaphal Shrikhand to relish during special occasions. Njoy Cooking, Serving n Savoring!

Author: Akshayakumbham 

Course: Sweets/Desserts

Cuisine: Indian 

Servings: 2


 Thick curd: One cup

Custard apple/Sitaphal: One fruit

Honey: 2 tbsp 

Cardamom powder: A pinch 

Dry fruits: Two tsp crushed;Pistachios n almonds)

Method of preparation:

🌹. Take half cup of thick curd and beat it well with a wired whisk. Add sitaphal pulp, cardamom powder and little honey . Mix thoroughly . Transfer the mixture onto a serving bowl. Garnish with sitaphal pulp, crushed dry fruits and honey. Delicious!Refrigerate for one hour and serve Sitaphal Shrikhand.

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