Ragi Java 
Ragi Java/finger millet is a wonderful recipe. The health benefits are enormous with its iron and calcium content. This is popular baby food in South India since ages and we all grew up with it. This is introduced to babies of 7/8 months age with just 4/5 tsps and slowly increase the quantity depending on their consumption. The recipe is prepared with ragi flour. My mother used to prepare the ragi Java using home made ragi flour, but I’ve used store bought flour. Ragi flour is mixed with water and boiled throughly till it’s cooked. Organic jaggery powder is added and boiled furthermore for two minutes. One fourth cup of milk is added and mixed thoroughly. Here I present healthy recipe ragi java which suits for all ages to relish as an evening snack.  Njoy Cooking, Serving n Savoring!
Author: Akshayakumbham 
Course: Snacks 
Cuisine: South Indian 
Servings: 2-3
Ragi flour: finger millet flour: 4 tbsp
Water: 2 1/2 – 3 cups
Organic jaggery powder: 3 1/2 tbsp(Mildly sweetened, Adjust according to your preference)
Crushed cashews n almonds: 1 tsp
Method of preparation:

  1. Take four tbsp of ragi flour in a vessel. 1EEE74EC-EB2C-4446-BC87-2708379110D4
  2. Now add two and half cups of water and mix thoroughly without forming lumps.C22A3432-18B5-4DDA-A820-0EB5FCEC51A2
  3. Bring the ragi flour with water to boil. B41DD128-31DD-443D-8CEE-53BD427041FE
  1. Stir at regular intervals to avoid sticking to the bottom of the vessel. Check for consistency and add half cup of water if required. Mix thoroughly and boil once again till it’s completely done. When it’s cooked the mixture turns into translucent. 2A38A357-DA89-43A7-A6EA-0D70FF8290DC
  2. Now add three and half tbsp of organic jaggery powder and mix well till it completely dissolves. Boil for one more minute and switch off the flame. 372A3F29-794B-434A-9C8C-74EAC71F9A2C49136B11-30FF-4CCB-9BE6-07E005C725C2
  3. After switching off the flame slowly add one fourth cup of milk and mix thoroughly, otherwise milk may curdle.AE85F004-B9E5-42DE-BBBC-B8E9DCA9A23E
  4. Transfer the ragi Java into serving bowls. Do not add cashews and almonds while feeding infants. 010DF72B-4221-4705-9CDA-5BE39844C825
  5. Now add crushed cashews and slivered almonds as a garnish and relish the ragi Java. B0641747-6D37-42D8-AC1D-A41284D65DA83CC7F9B4-2FE6-4826-BBA6-6C57317650F4

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