37726A8D-6691-45F0-A5DE-F4503C315D76Pineapple halwa
Pineapple halwa – Just melts in mouth with mesmerizing flavour. Pineapple halwa is prepared with pineapple pulp, sugar and corn flour adding cardamom powder and saffron strands. Pineapple pulp is sautéed on low flame and sugar is added. The mixture is cooked on low flame adding ghee in batches. Saffron milk and corn flour paste are also added. The pineapple mixture is cooked and cut into required size and shapes. Here I present delicious pineapple halwa to relish during special occasions. Njoy Cooking, Serving n Savoring!
Author: Akshayakumbham 
Course: Sweets/Desserts 
Cuisine: Indian
Servings: 10-15
Pineapple: 1 no.
Sugar: Half cup(Adjust accordingly less or more)
Cardamom pods: 3 nos.
Saffron strands: Few or 15-20 nos.
Ghee: 3 tsp
Corn flour: 4 tbsp
Milk: 2 tbsp
Method of preparation:

  1. Take one pineapple and peel the skin of it. 07BC66BA-22B9-40C2-8E17-7AE2D03659E6
  1. Take one fistful of rock salt and rub all the sides of pineapple with it. This process reduces the astringent taste of the pineapple. Now roughly chop the pineapple.A87E81CA-3558-4A32-9E06-6CDBE9E7C4E2
  1. Take a mixer grinder and put the chopped pineapple pieces. Blend them into a smooth pulp without adding any water. Keep some for garnishing.67980A9E-31A1-4E48-92CB-B4CE5E565B08D973E502-AF2C-4BFB-898C-B183C2C6232E
  1. Heat nonstick pan and pour the pineapple pulp into it. Mix well and cook on low flame.3E695265-5F34-46E0-B8EF-35BC8E58CBF4
  1. Meanwhile soak few saffron strands in two tbsp of hot milk.860BDC4D-B6C4-43DB-A12C-9031A0A2E475
  1. Now add half cup of sugar into the pineapple pulp. Mix thoroughly and continue to cook on low flame.11027553-2B3A-4D42-A0F5-C6DAEB7ABD4B
  1. Add crushed cardamom pods into the mixture and mix well. Also add one tsp of ghee into it.8E440119-2FFB-4411-9934-8D0A554BE348
  1. Now add corn flour to the saffron milk and mix thoroughly without forming lumps.7F39AE5D-A51A-4CDF-B97C-0FED29CEB6B6
  1. Now stir continuously and pour the corn flour mixture 34B85FAE-43F1-47A1-9D53-EF3AA14FAFE8
  1. Mix thoroughly and stir continuously for one minute. 046B0A99-6A81-4AA3-B5DF-D79267E989BB
  1. Now add two tsp of ghee and mix well.4E6EA888-E58B-423B-8245-242386F86377
  1. Cook the entire mixture on low flame till it leaves the sides of the pan. It will take minimum 15-20 minutes. Now the pineapple halwa is ready.23EB32ED-A331-48A8-A2A5-D97C4174BB53F78A7BC4-B7D0-4D80-9FE4-70515D4D9F59
  1. Grease a plate with little ghee. Now transfer the pineapple mixture onto the greased plate. Spread the mixture uniformly with spatula. Sprinkle broken cashews onto the pineapple halwa and slightly press them with ladle. Make impressions with knife to get required size and shape.8B85AAAE-05F1-4EEE-8B4E-714200D6DD41
  1. Once it comes into normal temperature, slice them.9BDB99DF-1771-4E69-A18D-12FE29A2EA88
  1. Now the delicious pineapple halwa is ready to serve.37726A8D-6691-45F0-A5DE-F4503C315D76

Transfer the pineapple  halwa into an airtight container. It stays good for one week if refrigerated.C5DDEC2C-E247-4CFC-8597-6C9B52C25936
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