imagePaal ice

This is absolutely kids recipe. Remembering our childhood days where we used to eagerly wait for ice cream bandi/cart and ringing sound of the bell by ice cream vendor. Paal ice is prepared with just three ingredients. Milk, sugar and vanilla essence are mixed thoroughly and poured into Popsicle moulds. Refrigerated for 4-5 hours. Here I present simple paal ice recipe to treat our loved ones. Njoy Cooking, Serving n Savoring!

Author: Akshayakumbham
Course: Popsicles/frozen pop
Cuisine: Indian
Servings: 8


Milk: 640 ml(Approximately)

Sugar: 6-7 tsp(Approximately)

Vanilla essence: 5-6 drops

Method of preparation:

  1. Boil required quantity of milk and allow to cool down. Add 6-7 tsp of sugar into the milk and mix thoroughly. Also add few drops of vanilla essence into it. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly.


  1. Take Popsicle moulds and pour Vanilla milk into each mould leaving little space above it. Each mould requires 80 ml of milk(Approximately).


  1. Insert the Popsicle sticks into the milk. Keep the mould in freezer carefully.


  1. Freeze them for 4 – 5 hours or till they are completely done.

  2. After five hours take the mould out of the freezer and rest for one minute, so that Popsicles come out easily.


  1. Gently take out the Popsicles and enjoy.



I’ve added vanilla essence for the flavour, instead you can add cardamom powder too.

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