
Miriyalu Podi

Now that showers are started, so It’s time for a healthy recipe which protects us from seasonal colds n coughs. It is also good for digestion, weight loss too. Miriyala podi is prepared with miriyalu/peppercorns as main ingredient. Required amount of miriyalu are roasted in two drops of ghee. Required amount of salt is added and ground to a fine powder. Kids can have weekly once one eighth tsp of miriyalu powder with honey or with little rice and ghee. Adults can have daily half tsp of miriyalu powder with one tsp of rice and little ghee. Here I present traditional recipe miriyalu podi to overcome seasonal changes. Njoy Cooking, Serving n Savoring!

Author: Akshayakumbham
Course: Traditional medicine/recipe
Cuisine: Indian
Servings: 20-25


Whole black peppercorns: 6 tbsp

Salt: As required

Ghee(Melted): 2 drops

Method of preparation:

1.  Take six tbsp of miriyalu. Heat kadai and drizzle two drops of melted ghee. Roast the miriyalu for two minutes or till nice aroma comes.


2. Add required amount of salt too and switch off the flame.


3. Transfer the roasted ingredients into a mixer grinder.


4. Grind the black peppercorns with salt into a fine powder.


5. Transfer the black pepper powder into an airtight container.


6. Before eating lunch or dinner, take one tsp of rice and little ghee with half tsp of black pepper powder.


7. Mix well and have it everyday for best results.



Miriyala podi is also used as a seasoning for soups. The recipe can also be used to make ven pongal.

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