imageMango milkshake

Today I’ve prepared mango milkshake which is kids friendly and also a very healthy recipe. I’ve added milk at room temperature. Mango puree and milk are mixed thoroughly. Required amount of sugar is added. The prepared mango milkshake is poured into serving glasses, garnished with honey and chocolate complan. Here I present nutritive mango milkshake which can be served as an evening snack for kids. Njoy Cooking, Serving n Savoring!

Author: Akshayakumbham
Course: Drinks
Cuisine: Indian
Servings: 2


Mangoes: 2 nos.(I’ve used dussehri variety)

Milk: 250 ml or one cup

Sugar: 2 tsp

Honey: 1 tsp

Complan: Half tsp

Method of preparation:

1. Take two dussehri mangoes. Rinse them well and extract the pulp from them.


2. Transfer the pulp into a mixer grinder.


3. Use pulse button for two times to get smooth puree.


4. Transfer the mango puree into a mixing bowl.


5. Take 250 ml of milk in a glass. Add two tsp of sugar and mix well.


6. Pour the milk into the mango puree and mix thoroughly using a wired whisk. Keep one tsp of mango pulp for garnishing.


7. Pour the prepared milkshake into serving glasses. Garnish with little mango pulp, honey in one glass and chocolate complan in another glass.


8. Now the healthy mango milkshake is ready to serve.


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