Lettuce Salad
To prepare the salad I’ve used Romaine lettuce , green lettuce , rocket lettuce and dragon fruit . Lemon dressing is added and at the last just before serving garnished with roasted almond slivers. Here I present healthy lettuce salad which can be prepared in a jiffy. Njoy Cooking, Serving n Savoring!
Author: Akshayakumbham
Course: Salads
Cuisine: World
Servings: 4
Lettuce (Green + Romaine + Rocket ): One cup
Dragon fruit: Chopped pieces one cup
Salt: As required
Lemon Juice: 1/2 tsp
Roasted almonds: few
Method of preparation:
🥬 . Mix thoroughly chopped lettuce and dragon fruit pieces. Add lemon juice and required amount of salt to them. Mix well and garnish with roasted almond slivers.

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