This is simple,easy and quite refreshing. I have prepared lemon drink with sabja seeds. Lemon is rich in vitamin c and sabja seeds regulate the body heat. Sabja seeds are called sweet basil seeds and in Telugu “Sabja ginjalu”. One should not be confused with Tulsi(Holy Basil). Subja seeds help us for digestion and also great relief for constipation. Sabja seeds possess so many health benefits which are useful for us in day to day life. Lemon drink using subja seeds help us to reduce our body weight. Beat the summer with this healthy drink. Here I present Subja lemonade to quench our thirst during summers. Njoy Cooking,Serving n Savoring!
Lemon: one big
Subja seeds: 1/2 tsp
Sugar: 2 tsp or honey 2 tsp
Salt: A pinch
Water: 300 ml(Approximately)
Ice cubes: 3/4 nos.
Method of preparation:
1. Soak the Sabja seeds in enough water for 30 minutes.
2. Take a glass of water(Approximately 300 ml) and squeeze half lemon into it.
3. Now add sugar and stir continuously till the sugar dissolves completely. Add a pinch of salt and mix well.
4. Take a serving glass and put soaked Subja seeds(Drain the water completely before adding them)into it.
5. Now pour the prepared lemonade or nimboo paani over it.
6. Half lemon is used to prepare lemonade and remaining half cut into slices. Carefully drop them into the drink and also use for garnishing.
7. Serve with ice cubes and enjoy the drink.

If you want to prepare lemonade with chilled water, take 1/4 th glass of water and add sugar. Mix thoroughly and when it dissolves completely add chilled water now. Because if sugar is added directly to chilled water it takes lot of time to dissolve. If you have ice cubes at home, prepare the lemonade with normal water and just add the ice cubes before serving. Adjust the quantity of sugar accordingly.
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