Home made chocolates/kammara kattu 
Wishing you all a very Happy Krishna janmashtami!! Find my lilKRISHNA😍! 
 Home made chocolate sounds interesting but recipe is pretty much popular in South India particularly in Tamilnadu(Who lives near Andhra Tamilnadu border also aware of this). This is Grandma’s recipe and my mom used to prepare very frequently. The recipe is prepared with coconut and jaggery like coconut jaggery laddoo with slight change in making process and the proportions. After making kammara kattu they are made into chocolate shapes and rolled using butter paper. Just small presentation changes the entire look of the recipe. Here I present kids favourite traditional South Indian chocolate recipe kammara kattu to relish this Krishna janmashtami. Njoy Cooking, Serving n Savoring!
Author: Akshayakumbham 
Course: Sweets/chocolates
Cuisine: South Indian 
Servings: 10-15
Grated fresh coconut: Half cup
Organic jaggery powder: 1 1/4 cup
Cardamom pods: 3/4 nos.
Cashews: Few
Method of preparation:

  1. Take half cup of grated coconut and 1 1/4 th cups of organic jaggery powder. Nowadays I’m using organic jaggery powder only. It is very handy without any impurities, right away we can use jaggery powder and no need to filter it. Put jaggery powder and coconut into a kadai and mix thoroughly.E9017638-6FEA-4B09-B847-5132804F683C
  1. Cook them on low flame stirring at regular intervals. 2D24D2A1-60CA-4DBA-9B0D-9AEFA1BBF1AB
  1. Crush the cardamom pods and add cardamom powder into the coconut jaggery mixture.  
  1. Continue to cook for five more minutes or till it attains gooey texture. Switch off the flame and transfer onto a plate to become warm.5B76883C-01EE-4012-9470-BF7AD13E3A9E
  1. Once the mixture becomes warm, make small balls and roll into chocolate shape. 0A2D98CE-254C-4CDE-ADCF-646058DF7E22731D0336-B556-4E71-B139-ED331EF1C4A0
  1. Crush 5/6 nos. Of cashews into powder in a mortar pestle. 9BB35124-89A9-4209-947C-103E7F326BF4
  1. Transfer the powder onto a plate and roll the prepared chocolates in the cashew powder. D4E98361-15D8-4F0F-9966-737C59F0F0821AE61E70-DCF2-45FA-8FAE-35BDEAA45E9E
  1. Likewise roll the required number of chocolates in cashew powder. Few we  can serve as plain.59C1AC4E-6115-4BAD-A111-1AD5B59FC8F6
  1. Now take parchment paper or butter paper and roll the chocolates . I’ve used muffin paper liners also to cover the chocolates. 29D6CCE6-9863-4F4B-8C02-AEA4A00E5FE3
  1. Now the kammara kattu or home made chocolates are ready to serve. 91BDFC20-668D-4480-9FA2-AD372DA0069E

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