imageCucumber raita

Cucumber raita is prepared with thick curd and cucumber. The preparation of cucumber raita doesn’t require any cooking. Cucumber raita goes well with any roti, pulao or biriyani too. I’ve served cucumber raita as an accompaniment to carrot roti. Both cucumber raita and carrot roti are no onion no garlic recipes. So the recipes can be served during vrat days. Already I’ve posted Carrot Roti in my previous recipe. Here I present simple and quick cucumber raita which can be served as a side dish to carrot roti. Njoy Cooking, Serving n Savoring!

Author: Akshayakumbham
Course: Side dish
Cuisine: Indian
Servings: 4


Cucumber: 1 no. Big or two small nos.

Curd: 2 cups

Coriander leaves: One small bunch

Cumin powder: Half teaspoon for garnishing

Salt: As required

Method of preparation:

1. Take one large cucumber or two small cucumbers and peel the skin.image

2. Remove the seeds and finely chop the cucumber.image

3. Transfer the chopped cucumber into a bowl.image

4. Now add two cups of fresh and thick curd. Add required amount of salt, chopped coriander leaves and mix thoroughly.image

5. Mix well and transfer it into a serving bowl. Garnish with cumin powder. Now the cucumber raita is ready to serve with carrot roti.image