Coconut water is excellent and perfect drink to be consumed during soaring summer temperatures.This is a natural coolant for us to maintain normal body temperatures.Coconut water is good source of electrolytes with Potassium present in it.It hydrates the body and gives energy in minutes time.My father being an Ayurvedic doctor used to explain the benefits of drinking the coconut water when we were young children.If you are bored with drinking coconut water every day during summer you can try this new recipe with just minimum ingredients.Usually we discard the coconut after drinking the tender coconut water.But the idea behind the use of the coconut in this drink is to attain the optimum nutrition.Here I present simple Coconut drink which refresh our senses during hot climate.


Tender coconut big: 1 no.(If small 2nos.)

Sugar: 2 tsp

Ice cubes: 3/4 nos.

Method of preparation :

1. Clean the tender coconut with water and make a hole at the top to extract the coconut water .Pour the water into a bowl or a glass.image (6)

2. Divide the coconut with big knife into two parts and remove the tender coconut cheese(In telugu it is called as kobbari meegada) with spoon or knife and keep aside.image (5)
3.Now take a mixer grinder pour coconut water and put coconut cheese with sugar into it .Blend well twice or till it’s done.image (7)

4. Pour this mixture into glasses and put ice cubes and can be served immediately.This can be consumed without straw to enjoy thoroughly the tiny tender coconut pieces present in itimage (9)