Carrot walnut cake

Carrot walnut cake is so delicious and melts in mouth. Carrot cake is prepared with maida, powdered sugar, fresh cream, baking powder and baking soda. Cinnamon and cardamom powders are added for mesmerizing flavour. Chopped walnuts are added for a nice crunch and taste. All the ingredients are mixed together to form a smooth batter . The prepared batter is poured into a cake mould. The batter is baked at 180 degrees centigrade for 30-35 minutes in a preheated oven. After baking the cake, frosting is done with butter and powdered sugar with a dash of vanilla essence. Here I present delectable carrot walnut cake to please our senses. Njoy Cooking, Serving n Savoring!

Author: Akshayakumbham
Course: Cakes
Cuisine: World
Servings: 4-6


Maida: 125 gms. Or 1 cup(Heaped)

Powdered sugar: 120 gms or 1 cup

Grated carrot: 200 gms or 1 cup(Heaped) or 2 nos. medium sized carrots

Cardamom pods: 5/6 nos.

Cinnamon: 1 stick

Baking powder: One fourth tsp

Baking soda: One fourth otsp

Salt: One eighth tsp

Neutral oil: 3/4 th cup(I used sunflower oil)

Fresh cream: 130 gms or 3/4 th cup


Unsalted butter: 2 tsp

Powdered sugar: 2 tsp

Mixed fruit jam: 1 tsp(Optional)

Vanilla essence: Few drops.

Method of preparation:

1. Measure 125 gms of maida/all purpose flour and keep aside.


2. Also measure 120 gms of powdered sugar in a cup and keep aside.


3. Take two carrots, rinse them well water. Peel the skin of it. Cut the edges and grate the carrots using a grater. Measure 200 gms of grated carrot and keep aside.


4. Measure 130 gms of fresh cream and transfer into a bowl.


5. Take one cinnamon stick and few cardamom pods. Crush them in a mortar pestle and sieve the mixture to get fine powder. Take baking soda, baking powder and salt too. Keep all the ingredients ready.


6. Now preheat the oven@180 degrees centigrade for 10 minutes.

7. Meanwhile prepare the cake batter.

8. Sift maida, salt and powdered sugar along with baking powder into a bowl which is convenient for mixing.



9. Add fresh cream into the cake flour mixture and mix well.


10. Now add neutral oil into the mixture and mix thoroughly.


11. Now add grated carrot, baking soda, cinnamon cardamom powder, chopped walnuts.


12. Gently mix all the ingredients. Now the cake batter is ready.


13. Keep parchment paper in the cake mould and grease with oil. Now pour the prepared batter into the mould. Gently tap the mould.


14. Now keep the cake mould with batter in a preheated oven and bake the cake at 180 degrees centigrade for 30-35 minutes heating both the elements.


15. After 30 minutes check for the doneness. To check insert a toothpick into the cake, if it’s done the toothpick should come out clean. If not done bake for five more minutes and switch off the oven. Take the mould out of the oven and keep the mould on a wired rack. Allow the cake to cool down completely.


16. Once it cools down, unmould the cake onto a plate.


17. Now the yummilicious carrot walnut cake is ready to enjoy.


18. To make the frosting, take soft butter, few drops of vanilla essence and powdered sugar in a bowl. Mix continuously to get creamy texture.


19. Now slice the cake using knife into required size and spread the butter frosting onto the cake piece. Top the cake with little jam.


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