imageMango Mastani

Mango Mastani is a thick mango milkshake popular in Pune, Maharashtra. I had been to Pune once, but didn’t get the chance to taste mango Mastani. Mastani is prepared with mango, milk and vanilla ice cream. Layers are arranged with few chopped mango pieces, milkshake, ice cream and finally garnished with dry fruits, tutti fruitti and candied cherries. Here I present luscious and pretty Mango Mastani to please our senses. Njoy Cooking, Serving n Savoring!

Author: Akshayakumbham
Course: Drinks/Desserts
Cuisine: Maharashtrian
Servings: 2


Mango: 1 no. Banganapalli

Vanilla ice cream: 2 1/2 small scoops

Powdered Sugar: 2 1/2 tsp

Tutti fruitti: 2 tsp

Candied cherries: 2 tsp

Dry fruits: Few(I’ve used almonds n cashews)

Milk: Half cup

Method of preparation:

1. Take one mango, rinse well and peel the skin. Roughly Chop the mango into pieces.


2. Take a mixer grinder and transfer the mango pieces into it. Keep few finely chopped pieces for layering and garnishing. Use pulse button to get mango pulp. Keep some mango pulp to use for layering.


3. Now pour chilled milk, sugar, half scoop of vanilla ice cream into it.


4. Blend it twice to get thick milkshake and keep aside.


5. Now assemble the layers. Take serving glass and first put few chopped tiny mango pieces.


6. Pour the milkshake into it.


7. Now place the vanilla ice cream onto the milkshake.


8. Now pour the mango pulp onto the ice cream.


9. Again keep one more scoop of vanilla ice cream onto the pulp. Garnish with dry fruits, tutti fruitti, tiny mango pieces and candied cherries.


10. Now the yummilicious Mango Mastani is ready to serve.


11. Serve Mango Mastani with a dessert spoon and enjoy.



I’ve used vanilla ice cream. If you want more mango flavour, mango ice cream can also be used instead of vanilla ice cream.

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