
This is simple and quick recipe. We can have any day after meals and suits best during summertime. Curd and sugar are mixed thoroughly with a hint of rose essence. Few saffron strands are also added. The prepared lassi is poured in giant glass(800 ml capacity) and garnished with slivered almonds and saffron strands. The lassi is served in Punjabi restaurants in a giant steel glass. It is also popular as patiala lassi. Here I present easy lassi recipe to relish anytime. Njoy Cooking, Serving n Savoring!

Author: Akshayakumbham
Course: Drinks/Desserts
Cuisine: North Indian
Servings: 2


Fresh curd: 1 1/2 cups

Sugar: 3-4 tsps

Rose essence: 3 drops

Saffron strands: Few

Warm milk: 2 tsp

Almonds: 2/3 nos. for garnishing

Method of preparation:

1. Take one and half cups of fresh curd in a bowl. I’ve refrigerated fresh curd for one hour and used for making lassi.


2. Whisk the curd using a wired whisk.


3. Now add 4 tsp of sugar and whisk thoroughly till all the sugar melts completely.


4. Meanwhile take two tsps of warm milk in a cup and add 3/4 nos. of saffron strands.


5. Now add three drops of rose essence and mix again.


6. Now add saffron milk to the curd mixture. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly.


7. Take big steel glass and pour the lassi into the glass.


8. Now garnish with slivered almonds and saffron strands too.


9. Now the delicious and cool lassi is ready to serve. Enjoy the lassi with your family.




1. I’ve not added cardamom powder. If you feel like, cardamom powder can be added too. Addition of three drops of rose essence gives extra punch to the lassi.

2. The lassi can be refrigerated for 4/5 hours too.

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