imageGoru Chikkudukaya Bellam petti kura
Cluster bean is a awesome vegetable with its vibrant green colour. Cluster beans are slightly bitter in taste. It has amazing health benefits with its nutritional value. It possess good dietary fibre and helps for digestion. The calcium present in it strengthens bones. With all its advantages worth to include in our meal. There are so many preparations using cluster beans and this recipe is the easiest among them. This vegetable can be used to make curry/poriyal, daal preparations even fryums too. Already I’ve posted cluster beans patoli curry in my earlier recipes. The curry I have prepared in this recipe is so simple and delicious. Here I present cluster beans jaggery curry which can be served with hot steamed rice, also goes well with rasam. Njoy Cooking, Serving n Savoring!
Cluster beans: 250 gms.
Jaggery: 1 1/2 tbsp
Salt: As required
Turmeric: A pinch
Red chilli powder: 1 tsp
Tamarind pulp: 1 tsp(Optional)
Oil: 1 1/2 tbsp
Mustard: 1 tsp
Cumin: 1 tsp
Bengal gram: 1 tsp
Black gram: 1 tsp
Asafoetida: A pinch
Curry leaves: A sprig
Method of preparation:
1. Select tender cluster beans, rinse thoroughly. Pluck the edges of the cluster bean with hands and chop them into one inch piece. If they are not tender, pluck the edge and pull downward to remove the fibrous thread present in it. Likewise repeat this step for all beans. Usually I pluck with hands if they are tender also.
2. Steam them in a pressure cooker along with rice for 5/6 whistles depending on the pressure cooker. Cooking in pressure cooker saves time and fuel.image
3. Now heat kadai, pour oil and add Bengal gram, black gram , mustard and cumin seeds.image
4. When mustard splutters add a pinch of Asafoetida, curry leaves and fry for few seconds.image
image5. Now put cooked cluster beans into the tempering. Add required amount of salt and turmeric. Mix thoroughly and stir fry for a minute. I have not used tamarind pulp, if using add pulp in this stage.image
6. Now add organic powdered jaggery or whatever is available at home. Mix well and fry for one minute. After adding jaggery water oozes out and the water should evaporate completely. So keep stirring on high flame.image
7. Add one tsp of red chilli powder and mix thoroughly.image
8. Fry for few seconds and switch off the flame.
9. Now Goru chikkudu Bellam kura(Cluster beans jaggery curry) is ready and Transfer the curry onto a serving bowl. Garnish with curry leaves and serve hot with steamed rice.image
I’ve used sesame oil. Any vegetable oil can be used. But for authentic taste use sesame oil(Gingelly oil).