Custard cone ice is yet another summer delicious dessert to relish. The preparation is very simple. Custard cone ice/Popsicle is prepared with milk ,custard powder and few strands of saffron. Addition of saffron strands is an optional. Instead of saffron we can add cardamom powder too. It’s completely individual choice to include the flavours. Here I present Custard cone ice to appreciate as an evening snack or dessert. Njoy Cooking, Serving n Savoring!
Milk: Half litre
Custard powder: 1 tbsp
Saffron strands: 5/6 nos. or few(Optional)
Sugar: 6 tsp
Method of preparation:
1. Take half litre of milk and Boil it in a heavy bottomed vessel.

2. Furthermore boil the milk till it reduces to half.

3. Take small cup, pour 2 tbsp of warm milk and add 1 tbsp of custard powder. Mix thoroughly.

4. Now add this to the milk which is boiling. Mix well in order to avoid the formation of lumps.

5. Now add sugar and saffron strands. Boil the milk for a minute.

6. Allow the mixture to come down to normal temperature.
7. Take Popsicle mould or cones. Pour the cooled custard milk mixture into each cone and keep large tikka sticks or Popsicle sticks. Now carefully place them in refrigerator.
8. Allow them to set overnight or at least 6-8 hours.
9. Take out the cones from the refrigerator and rub between the palms for a minute so that the ice separates very easily from the moulds.
10. Now the custard cone ice/Popsicle is ready and can be served immediately.

1. Here in this recipe I have used low fat milk. To get more creamy texture use full cream milk. Instead of saffron, cardamom powder can also be used.
2. I have used regular cones and small tumblers to make custard ice.

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